Thursday, December 21, 2006

Build It And They Will Come

We'll that's my mantra anyway, and I'm sticking to it. If you're viewing this post you'll realise that this is the very first post of my retail marketing blog. It is my vision to deliver you an online resource that provides deep insights around retail marketing, as well as serving you up some solid sized helpings of motivation, humour and insight, all designed to make your journey through life and business that much more interesting.

I will be posting regularly, and will share with you many ideas that will stretch your thinking and test your capacity to change and improve the way you do business. Becuase if you are truly seeking better results you will need to change the way you do some things.

This blog will at times offend ... in a good way. It will possibly offend deeply held beliefs around business that are holding you back. Initially you may find this hard to take, but for those that can break through these self imposed barriers, the learning's will propel you to a new level of success.

I'll be bringing you all the latest in new developments and breakthroughs ... sales, marketing, technology, consumer behaviour, retailing trends, internet, POS, merchandising. THE WORKS.

You'll also gain an insight into my philosophies around business and life. You'll be taken inside as to how I think, why I think, act and behave the way I do and how this relates to the direct level of success and abundance I have in my life.

On that note, I encourage those of you who are committed to making something of your life and business to tune in and take note of possibly the best FREE retail information on the planet.

Have a very Merry Christmas and a HUGE New Years.

Until next time.

1 comment:

Pete Williams - Preneur Marketing said...


Congrats on getting this blog LIVE... I am really looking forward to reading your posts and thoughts on marketing.


Pete Williams